Cheers to Strong Women 2019: Week 3

Posted by Madison Trussell on

Cheers to Strong Women: 

Week 3

WOW. Time is flying this month! We can’t believe we’re in the third week of our campaign (and February in general) but we’ve had such a great time hearing feedback and helping give back to awesome organizations that support strong women. We look forward to what the rest of the month brings (well, except for more snow. We’re over that.)

Here’s to another week of celebrating rad chicks worldwide!

Emma Golden

1. Who are you and what do you do? 

I’m Emma and, by day, I’m the Communications Manager for rewardStyle/ and by night, I’m emma’s thing — a blogger in Dallas who says what everyone else is thinking and keep things a little too real, but people seem to appreciate it. 

2. What does being a strong woman mean to you? 

It means owning your shit. The good, the bad, and everything in-between. It means knowing who you are, what you stand for, what you won’t fall for, and not being afraid to be exactly that — all the time. It means standing up for yourself, having the tough conversations, and knowing when to keep working toward something and when to pull out. But none of this comes easily. It comes with time and experience, which also takes a strong woman to be patient with and get through!

3. What advice would you give to the teenage version of yourself? 

OMG. That none of it matters. I mean, of course it matters because it shapes who you become, but I’d urge myself to literally not care about 99% of the stuff I would lose my cool over because the people and situations teenagers waste their precious, young energy on are just that — a waste. Also, stop straightening your hair, teenage Emma. Just wear it curly. 

4. Name a woman in your life that has inspired you to be the woman you are today.

I can’t name just one. It’s been a group effort between my mom, my sister, and my very best friend. As someone who suffers with anxiety, self-doubt, and realizing my worth, these three women have pushed me to be the best, most confident and assured version of myself since the beginning. I’ve worn them out too many times to count with my stubborn inability to take their advice or believe their words, but they’ve stuck by me through it all and have inspired the woman I am today. I’m my own, very harsh worst critic, and having women like them in my life has been imperative to my growth and progress. 

5. Tell me a fact, secret, or something weird you do.

Justin Timberlake isn’t that great, I’ve only seen “Bridesmaids” once, and any time I pee at work, I sit there anywhere from 10-20 minutes long after I’m done to play on my phone and decompress. 

 *Editor’s Note: Justin, if you’re reading this, I think you’re super fly 

6. What is your favorite piece from Sierra Winter Jewelry?

The Gold Dust Earrings, hands down. I love the open hoop concept and they’re the perfect simple earring to throw on every day. Plus, they look super dope in double or triple pierced ears.

7. What is one of your favorite organizations that supports and encourages strong women?

Planned Parenthood 100%. Our bodies, our choices. And that's all I have to say about that.

Also, Kayla Itsines’ Bikini Body Guide workout plan changed my life and has built such a massive, global community of women who support, encourage, and empower each other even though they’re total strangers. I was on the program for three years and am still in touch with and often communicate with other women I met via the community. It’s amazing what her and her team has done in terms of bringing women together to bolster each other up and how inclusive they are.

Hailee Walsh

1. Who are you and what do you do? 

My name is Hailee Bland Walsh and I'm the Owner and Founder of City Gym. I am a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, entrepreneur, writer, and speaker. I opened City Gym a little over 8 years ago. It was born of the belief that a gym should be more than a place to workout--it should be a place to belong. We create space for people who traditionally feel left out of the fitness industry conversation. Gyms can be intimidating and overwhelming places so after a decade in the industry, I wanted to create a place that was focused on loving and supporting the folks who need us most. What does that mean? We don't prey on your insecurities--we remind you how amazing you already are! We don't sell you a bunch of stuff you don't need--we offer a variety of paths to find your perfect wellness path. We have two locations now and absolutely love being a part of the KC entrepreneurial community. 

2. What does being a strong woman mean to you? 

Being a strong woman means living life on your terms. We live in a world hell bent on telling people, but particularly women, who and how they should be, act, dress, think, feel, express their sexuality, their gender, their style. I think it takes strength and courage to say "eff you!" to societal norms that don't fit the most authentic version of yourself. I also think strong women find ways to amplify folks who have less power and privilege than them--not in a savior way, but rather in an ally way. That means knowing when to listen and learn rather than lead. 

3. What advice would you give to the teenage version of yourself? 

As a teenager I thought being perfect would keep people from criticizing or rejecting me. The truth is that came belief came from a deep seeded fear and insecurity about being gay. I thought if I was perfect, people might accept this "other" part of me more easily. What I have learned as an adult is people will criticize or reject you and there is nothing that needs to be done about that. In fact, those people are doing you a favor. Let those assholes go! Instead of wasting time and energy on being perfect, I would tell my younger self to spend that time and energy loving myself and surrounding myself with people who love and celebrate me for who I am!

4. Name a woman in your life that has inspired you to be the woman you are today.

I am lucky to have been surrounded by strong, smart, heart-forward women my entire life. But in particular my grandmothers inspire me. My Nana (my mom's mom) was the wisest woman I have ever known. She was wickedly smart, fun, fashionable, and loved her family completely. My Nana was an educator and taught me to love reading. I'm currently writing a memoir and when it gets hard (which is often) I can hear her cheering me from the sidelines to keep going. My Grandma (my dad's mom) was the fiercest woman I have ever known. She was also incredibly smart, but she was also a super, incredible athlete. My Grandma had a closet filled with gold medals from her Senior Olympic Game competitions. As an athlete and a fitness person, we shared a love and a passion for movement. Both of these women were non-conformist and their spirits inspire me to live a life defined by me--not what others expect of me. 

5. Tell me a fact, secret, or something weird you do. 

I make up long, nonsensical, mostly non rhyming songs for my pets and sing to them in this funny voice as I carry them around the house and kiss their faces. No two songs are ever the same. The goal is really to just totally shower them with love. I have extended this to my nieces and nephew. 

6. What is your favorite piece from Sierra Winter Jewelry?

The Astra Necklace

7. What is one of your favorite organizations that supports and encourages strong women?

EMILYS List played a pivotal role in a campaign of my friend, my current hero, and my Congresswoman Sharice Davids. Without their early endorsement, financial support, and logistical campaign support we'd likely not have the first Native American woman representing Kansas in Congress right now. Studies show that the average woman has to be asked 11 times before she will consider running for elected, political office. We need organizations like EMILYS List to continue to encourage smart, strong, qualified female candidates to run for all levels of elected office so we can continue to elect game changers like Sharice.

We want to hear from you! If you have any questions/thoughts/feedback about our Strong Women campaign or any of the cool babes involved, shoot us an email or leave a comment!

Peace & Love, Sierra

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