So... We Are Having a Baby...

Posted by Sierra Otto on

So... We Are Having a Baby

***Heads up: This post is less about jewelry and more about my womb***


My husband and I found out the week before we launched Sierra Winter Jewelry that we were pregnant and just like that, 2016 would be the year of two babies. The business baby and the human baby.

I always knew we would be adding to the Sierra Winter Jewelry team just not that fast! The company flow chart will look something like this. 

Is My Baby's First Word Going To Be The 'F' Word? 

The day I found out I was pregnant I took a pregnancy test in my home and watched the tiny screen turn into a plus sign before I had finished peeing. Then I said 'Fuck' a lot. I proceeded to drive down to my local CVS and have a super uncomfortable conversation with the cashier about why I was buying so many pregnancy tests. All of those tests turned out to be positive too! 

I waited until my husband got home from work to tell him about the good news. I presented him with whiskey, a new cat litter scoop, two very positive pregnancy tests and a coupon for a free Chipotle burrito. 

We felt all of the feelings, cried a little bit, and then drove to our favorite Kansas City BBQ joint and went ham on the sampler platter.

Pun intended.


I have watched my sister and many friends go through pregnancies and heard their stories and what they encountered along the way. Those gals have been on call for ALL of my weird questions. Weird questions because pregnancy is really fucking weird. Here are some things I have experienced and maybe some advice. (Don't worry, I won't share the gross things with you) :

 You Swell Up Buttercup

I used to wear these rings on a daily basis. I was down to only 5 rings last week and now I am terrified to put on any at all because of the ridiculous finger muffin top situation happening. 

Grand Champion! 

Every time you go to the doctor you feel like a 4-H project named 'Bossy the Cow'. You get weighed, poked, and prodded. Every damn time.

(I feel you cow. I feel you)


Honey, can you _______ for me? 

There comes a point where you cant reach your toes. My husband hates my feet and he was so sweet to paint my toes for me. This was great practice for being a girl dad. (he doesn't know I took this picture) 

Is There a Basketball in There? Are You Having the Baby Tomorrow? 

People will say some really weird shit to you. Sometimes harmless, sometimes super rude. I've had men, who are strangers, ask me about my breast feeding plans, I was asked at 6 months pregnant If I was due in a week, and I even had someone ask me if I just sit at home on the couch a lot and eat. (not true...but sometimes that happens) Our due date is Christmas Day and when I tell people that, more often than not the first thing people will say, "she is going to hate that. She will hate having her birthday in December." Really people? 

There are also really great people who go above and beyond for you. They outnumber the negative folks by far. 

(Sorry, this section got a little ranty) 

Am I Going To Stop Loving My Cats? 

My cats have been my children up until this point. I had someone tell me early in my pregnancy that when you have a child you realize that your pet is just an animal. I sobbed. I cried again when I told a friend what that person had told me. You can't see me typing this but my eyes are swelling up thinking about my fur baby companions no longer meaning anything to me. Shit. That really sucks. But, I do know that my little comedian's with fur have an idea that there is something brewing inside of my womb. They are more loving and want to be around me all the time. I have tested them out on my friends' babies and they act interested and totally fine. 

(They look more comfortable around the baby than I do)

2016 has been a year of many first's for us here at Sierra Winter Jewelry and we cannot thank you enough for your support these past 7 months! We have some big plans in store for 2017 and excited to share them with you. Now, if you don't mind me, I am going to be posted up on the couch eating until this baby girl arrives. 

Have a wonderful Holiday season!

Peace and Love


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